Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mini-outreach and such

      The past couple of weeks have been so good!  It has been a whirlwind, but God is doing great things both in our students lives, and ours.  Mini-outreach in Spokane was both tiring and refreshing.  The topic for the week was "Team Dynamics and Personal Design," which was great preparation for their 2-month outreach.  There was a lot of healing in many lives as we discovered more about how God made us, as far as personality, communication styles, and similar stuff.  God never fails to amaze me, as even topics that seem lighter can bring up things that we need to deal with.  He is so faithful to speak worth and value into us, and to remind his kids that he is proud of us and that we were made a certain way for a specific purpose.  This was HUGE in the lives of quite of few of us that week.

     The ministries we worked with were pretty sweet, as well.  The main places we went minister to homeless people and youth who live on the streets.  We got to do some basic service projects, as well as leading worship and sharing testimonies at a couple of services.  I was really proud of the way the students just went for it with boldness.  Though they hadn't really shared very personal stories with a group before, they were open about their lives, which touched a lot of hearts at the homeless ministry.  Afterwards, we all went out and listened to stories and prayed with people who were having a hard time.  It was empowering for the students to realize how much they have to offer, even to those with whom they have very little in common.  Some of our other ministry times were just going to a large riverside park and asking God who we should talk to and pray for.  They had so many great stories of "divine appointments" with people who desperately needed to know that God still sees them, loves them, and cares for them.

      One cool story from my time there was talking with a guy named Jesse.  His parents were Christians, and he had grown up in church, but he was running.  As I spoke with him, he was a little high, but we had a great conversation about how God hasn't given up on him, and just the truth of who God made him to be and that he is never too far gone to receive God's grace.  I got to pray for him too, and I could see that he connected with a lot of what was being said.  Sadly, he didn't choose to come back to God that day, but I believe Jesus will keep sending people his way to remind him that he loves him.

      I think one of the most exciting things about doing stuff like this is that it reminds me that no matter where we are and what we are doing, God wants to use us!  We don't have to be doing "ministry time."  We can ask him for people to pray for as we go about our day and our normal life.  All it takes is for us to be willing to be a little bold, and to be available.  I was challenged by this again, and the students were so encouraged to see that this isn't so hard, after all.  Sharing God's love doesn't just happen during a set aside time like DTS, but it is a way of life.  So, ask God today to show you someone that needs encouragement.  I think he will surprise you, and that you will also be encouraged as you bless others.

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