We are looking for people to partner with us in our desire to spread God's love to the world. The body of Christ is made up of many different people with various gifts and abilities. Each one of us have different roles to play in furthering God's kingdom, but each is equally important. Every individual is called to share the gospel, but that can look different for everyone. Just as the human body has different functions for different parts, as God's children we have varied roles in working together as a team to make up a whole. We can't do this alone. Would you pray about becoming part of our ministry team? Here are two vital ways that you can support us:
Through prayer:
We highly value the power of prayer! It is what truly equips all of us to do what God has called us to do. We experience the same ups and downs of life as any of us, and need your prayers. One of our primary goals in being here is to help others experience the freedom they have in Christ, as well as the Father's love. Sometimes we may meet resistance along the way as we seek to bring Jesus' grace to our world. This is why we are so thankful for your support for us in prayer!
If you want to stay updated on our specific prayer requests, please visit the homepage of our blog. We list different prayer points there weekly.
Through finances:
As full-time missionaries with YWAM Montana, we do not receive any salary, but rely on the monthly support and gifts of others. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us! We would love to speak with you and personally share more of our vision and needs, and discuss how you can be a part of advancing God's kingdom.
All your gifts to us are tax-deductible. However, checks MUST be made out to YWAM Montana rather than us personally to qualify for tax-deductible status. Our names cannot be anywhere on the check, if you desire to make a tax-deductible donation. We are so appreciative of anything you may desire to give, whether it is a one-time gift, or a monthly donation. 100% of your contributions will help us continue to do what God has called us to do here, and none will go to overhead or administrative costs.
We are so grateful to have all of you as part of our lives, whether we've known you for years or for weeks. We are amazed daily by how much God has blessed us. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support!