Sunday, November 13, 2011

DTS lecture phase is coming to a close!!

   The past couple of weeks have breezed by so quickly!  We had a fabulous week of teaching about prayer/hearing God's voice, followed by a week of teaching about the Holy Spirit/spiritual gifts.  It was so exciting to watch the students stepping out more in their giftings and praying for and encouraging one another.  We have seen so much growth in them, particularly as they gain a deeper understanding of how much God loves them, and how their true identity is who God says they are.  This is such a simple thing, but so important for all of us.  We get so many mixed messages about who we really are, every day.  It is so easy to define ourselves by what we do, what our hobbies/talents are, or simply what people say about us.  It is vital to understand that we are the beloved children of God, and to measure any other messages about our identity by that standard.  This is the heart of what we will be discussing in DTS this week, and we are really looking forward to seeing how God impacts all of our lives deeply with this truth.  I highly recommend this video by Henri Nouwen if you are looking for some excellent teaching about your identity as a beloved son or daughter of God.

   Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.  The thoughtful notes we get from some of you mean so much to us; thanks for taking the time to bless us.  Though we are really far away, it makes us feel closer to know that we are not alone in what we are doing here and that you all are praying for us.

   It's hard to believe, but we leave for outreach in Thailand in a little over 3 weeks!  Our team is bonding together more and more and growing very excited about the opportunity to minister there.  We have had a lot of team meetings where we've learned about Thai culture and religion/worldview, some language basics, as well as learning how to share the gospel and preparing dramas for outreach.  We've even gone over some practical team building stuff, like learning our Myers-Briggs personality types, and how we need to relate to each other in love.  : )  For Jason and me we prepare for a two-month outreach to Thailand, we are still in need of partners who feel called to help support our missions work monthly.  If any of you feel led to participate in what we are doing as a member of our financial support team, please contact us.

Thank you for your love and support!  We love hearing from you!

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