Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Winter Quarter

What a quarter it has been!
I appologize for not updating for a while, for all those watchers and readers out there. (Thanks by the way :)

We have been working our way through the Old Testament. The following is a brief account of that "work through."

It has been life giving, harsh, meaningful, and packed with lots of questions of who this God is that we serve, that can only be answered by maybe the vision of the entire bible, and God's intentions for mankind in history and well, just talking to him about what he meant when he did this, or said this. Erika and I both have had some pretty impacting times of study, and that is largely due to the intense hours, and time that we get to spend with God during those intense hours. To be quite honest, there have been a little more down than up times, and we have struggled through it, and ended up with a better understanding of the faithfulness of God during those struggling times. The struggle is attributed to the way that the Bible is able to tear down walls, and demand change because of who God is, the holy one, the just one, the gracious and loving one. Those are just some of the characteristics that we have been noticing, and have become more and more of a reality as we dive into who he is, and what he wants to do with people, and us.

This next quarter is going to be Kings-Matthew(exclude Psalms and Proverbs). And then we graduate!

On a more personal note: Our marriage is going great, really! We have been able to work through communicating better, and learning how to love each other even when life is quite busy. It seems God has had a large involvement in the way that this has played out, and all the prayers that people have poured out on us for our lives. Thank you.

With love always,
Jason and Erika.

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