Thursday, September 23, 2010

New beginnings in Montana...

Well, our first week of classes have been off to a good start.  There is so much information to take in, but it has only served to fire up our imaginations and get us excited about studying God's Word together this year.  But first things first.

Thanks so much for your prayers for our safety in moving here.  We and all our things made it in one piece and we are nicely settled into our cute new "home."  I say that in quotations because it is a little place, only one room and adjoining bathroom.....but it is perfect for our needs and an awesome first place together.  Jason and I have had so much fun the past couple of weeks setting up our house.  This included organizing, unpacking boxes, multiple trips to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond to spend those gift cards (so much fun!!), and of course garage sale shopping for furniture.  

As Jason and I look around our home, we have been repeatedly overwhelmed by God's blessings to us.  Almost everything in here has been given to us, by our amazing friends and family.  Thank you for blessing us with lovely wedding gifts, and wedding money.  Because of your generosity, we've been able to buy furniture, household items, and school supplies.  It also feels like we have pieces of all of you in our home.  We can look almost anywhere and see gifts that remind of us home and all of you who are so precious to us.  We are so grateful for you all and blessed to have you in our lives.

We love you and miss you, and hope to hear from you all.  We hope you enjoy this blog, and that it will help us keep in better touch with you all.  It is still a bit under construction, but it is getting there.  Feel free to check it as often as you like....we plan to update it at least once a week.  Please keep us posted with what is going on in your lives too!

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