Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Phitsanulok, another great adventure.

Phitsanulok, Thailand

Visiting this place and spending time with a small and significant group of people was undoubtedly one of the best experiences I have had.  They said how much we(my friend Chris McCalmon and I) blessed them, but I felt far more blessed being there. I don't think I understood what my father usually meant when he would describe speaking in a DTS until now. He would say," son, that week, The Lord ministered to them, but he also ministered deeply to me."  It's encouraging to step out and try something you've never tried before and do something you've never done..ie..traveling far and long to speak to people you've never met to a culture not your own(well I have just not in this way). You just don't know how it's all going to turn out, but Jesus did what he does best and ministered as we spent 5 days with a group of 4 students and 5 staff.  We prayed for revelation for them, taught 3 hours daily, one of the students legs' was instantly healed (it was shorter than the other) and I saw God give them new truth about him and themselves. 

Of course the food was amazing 
Chicken fried rice with an egg and spice on top. 
Some Korean missionaries cooked up plenty of meat for us to eat one night just for fun.  

Anyways, we had a great time! We met tons of people on the way there and back and shared his love. One girl was caught off guard as we described how God has literally changed us inside and out forever.  She decided she needed something more in her life and right then and there put her hope in Jesus.  He's always good.  I will never forget this trip and the people I met along the way and spent time with.  Thanks for your support and prayers.  
