Sunday, April 21, 2013

Update from Curitiba, Brazil

Hello Everyone! 

We are very excited to share a bit of news with you guys!  We left for Brazil a month ago having no idea what to expect.  In such a short amount of time Erika and I have so enjoyed our time here: with the people, the culture, and the ministries we've worked with.  Though we have come to serve, we have experienced the most amazing hospitality here.  We have learned so much about friendship, and have been blown away by the way that even people who have hardly anything will bend over backwards to show our team that they are cared for and loved. (The food is also really good...we have both been saying they really know how to eat down here.  The Brazilians take their food very seriously, a lot like us..haha.)

Our ministry times in Curitiba have looked like this: 

-Reaching out to a poor community by going door to door and praying for people and sharing the gospel with them.  We have seen several people healed and touched by God so far. Amazing to be a part of! 
-Playing lots of soccer and sharing testimonies of how God has worked in our lives afterwards with kids from the surrounding community.  They come for English classes, soccer coaching, woodworking, and discipleship with an amazing YWAM ministry here in Curitiba called Hope Project.  
-Helping build a home for an older widow whose home was destroyed by termites :(. 
-Teaching English and much more! 

We are very thankful to be here and work alongside the long-term Brazilian missionaries here...we have learned so much from them!  They are amazing and so hospitable and loving to our team.  Wish you guys could see and hear everything for yourselves, but here is a little taste :).  Bless you today! Hope you are doing well! 


Jason and Erika