Thursday, March 29, 2012

There is no place like home

We are sorry that it has been awhile since the last post.  I know there are many of you that are waiting to hear how we are since we have been home. Our time has just been a bit filled with recovering from outreach and catching up on the things that go on hold for two months.

It has really felt like a whirlwind. There always is a lot of change that comes with this job whether it is relationships, countries, friends, things we're doing and what not.  What has been really amazing about coming home is the support we have received for our time in Thailand with 14 students.  Thank you so much for all of your cards, gifts, and words of encouragement.  We were SO blessed to arrive home to reminders of how much we are loved.  It has been high and low to process everything that happened overseas, but definitely needed.  Our group functioned pretty well as a whole, but as leaders it is easy to think about how we could have done things better.  Well-roundedness has kind of been a buzz word/idea since we have been back.  One thing that we know for sure is that our weaknesses and inability to see what may come of some decisions does not limit what God can and will do with anyone who is just open to trying out life with Him. He certainly has been teaching us along the way through people and situations alike.  I'm writing about this because these are some of the things that we have been processing and trying to grasp of the lessons that God had for our team members, the people of Thailand that we came in contact with, and ourselves.  Hindsight is 20/20 and it has definitely been good to return to what we just embarked on with some proper perspective.  We learned so many things on outreach, and we are very thankful that God let us be a part of what he is doing in Thailand.  There are so many open hearts there, and we ask you to join us in continued prayer that the seeds that were planted would be watered.

Lately, we've just been thinking about what it means to be faithful to God and his call.  Sometimes, it is easy to put all these expectations on ourselves that God doesn't place on us.  He simply asks us to be obedient and faithful to him.  Take some time to think about this today.  Jesus is the one who bears our burdens - he didn't come to place burdens on us.  (Matthew 11:28-30)  If you are carrying something that is difficult, give it to him.  He wants to help you.  He simply asks for you to give him your heart and your attention.

We are in a place of transition, which is a difficult place to be, but it has really been very good.  We are staffing the Spring DTS, but we will not be going on outreach for this term.  Our new DTS students arrive this weekend, which is unbelievable!  We are excited for another opportunity to invest in people, and we are so grateful that God is right here with us.  He is the one who changes hearts and lives; we simply have to be available and willing to be used by him.

In all of this, Erika and I have been doing well as a couple. We continue to grow and learn about each other, and our dating life hasn't suffered even going on outreach; it was nice to be able to get away together even for a couple hours to continue to solidify the gift that marriage is.  Thank you so much for all of you who give up your time to pray for us and your hard earned work hours to send us overseas. We promise, as we sit in our house and say, "there is no place like home," it comes out of thankfulness for people that are right beside us.

P.S. I realized our USB connector that we have for my camera to upload pictures to our computer is broken, so I'll get one soon and upload some pictures of outreach and us! :)

We love you all dearly!
Jason and Erika