Good morning friends and family!
These past couple months have been amazing. We have been working through both small and large books, starting from Kings and Chronicles and moving into the prophets, going through them chapter by chapter. It is such an amazing thing to study the Bible like this, and a real privilege for us. Our lives have been changed this year by what we have been studying. Erika has learned a more in depth view of who God is and how big he truly is. This realization has really inspired her to want to speak that truth into other people's lives, and put it into practice by using the gifts that God has given her; I am much the same.
So, with that in mind, we have made a commitment for two years to be on staff for a school here that is one of YWAM's big areas of influence called DTS (Discipleship Training School). The quick version of what it is, is a 3 month lecture phase filled with speakers that come who are either pastors, or have been long-time YWAM missionaries from around the world. They come and minister to the hearts of the students in the school, and give them a foundation for taking this truth into the world. The other half of the DTS is a 2 month outreach that we will be leading, to help the students see how to apply what they have learned, and to continue to solidify God's call of reaching out to the people of the world with his love. Whether they decide to go into missions or go home, this school is an awesome equipping tool for making God known wherever they go. We are really excited to be a part of this.
Along with this, we do have a need that I would like to begin to make known, and that is monthly support. As of right now, we have enough money to finish out this quarter in the Biblical Studies school. We intentionally worked last summer to pay for it, but starting this summer, we're going to be full-time staff members sowing into the DTS. Since YWAM is a not-for-profit missions organization, they ask their staff to raise their own salaries, which means that the donations of others are not spent on overhead and administrative costs. As of right now, we are praying and asking for monthly donations to help us cover our basic living expenses, and to continue to do what we feel like God has asked us to do. If you're interested in how to help invest in missions through us, you can visit the support portion of our blog, on the tabs, and it will give you more information about this and how to contact us.
Anyway, that's what is new in our lives. We look forward to this summer and enjoying what Montana has to offer and to serving here, as many people are coming this summer for building projects and for sending out high-school aged mission teams all over the world. We miss you all, and we're grateful for you.
Love you guys,
Jason and Erika