Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our news lately

Hey everyone! 

We're doing pretty good here in backwoods Montana. The studying, and upkeep of friends, family, and our room are enough to keep us busy pretty much night and day, haha. This continues to be a challenging, yet enjoyable season of our life as we embark from book to book, knocking down each one as the weeks go by. 
We just finished the Corinthians, and have a test right before we leave for Thanksgiving break which we are excited about. Erika and I are headed off to the Oregon coast to Salem to spend turkey day with a friend and his family. I went there last year, and have been to the wonderful state of Oregon many times, but this will be the first for Erika. 

The snow is hitting, and the weather is starting to look a lot like Christmas :) Which is one of the most amazing seasons. Very beautiful and rugged here. There will certainly be lots of hot coco to be drunk, and plenty of cold winter nights cuddled up studying in our beautiful room. All this to say, we're enjoying our time right now, and looking to Jesus everyday to be our strength to do this school. Thanks again for everyone's support, and interest in our lives. 

Love, The Goodfellows 

P.S. Here's some recent pics of Montana, this literally happened within a couple of hours. Snow here is like a white blanket being quickly thrown over nature. Its great.